Fashion: My Collection Launch
Roses by Rosa Fairfield - my fashion label - has finally launched!
In true Rosa style, *giggles*, I decided to throw myself a mini cupcake themed launch party for my fashion label: Roses by Rosa Fairfield. You can shop my first collection now, via this link: You can also view the blog entry for my collection here. More wonderful and exciting things are on the way, in the upcoming months, so keep watching this space!
Why a cupcake themed party, wearing a slightly wacky outfit, you might ask? I would answer with a: why ever not? I am a firm believer in being bold, fun and even a little crazy. I like to make statements, not because I seek attention, but, because I like to express myself - and my mood - through everything I do. Today, I just so happened to want everything to be cupcake themed. That there, is what my brand is all about and, of course, 'whimsical elegance', two words which just happen to pretty much sum up my personality.
So, today I ask you to live your life how you want to live it and stop thinking about other people's opinions of you (that's just what I'm doing in these pictures). That, and a cheeky, please visit the home of my new fashion label by clicking here.
Thank-you so much for taking your time to read my blog, as always I would love it if you could leave a comment :)
* I created this outfit, similar designs will feature in my shop this summer.
* I created this outfit, similar designs will feature in my shop this summer.

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