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Style: What's your party outfit style quiz

Someone shouting party is normally followed by an intense session of rummaging through a closet, desperately trying to find something suitable to wear. On more than one occasion, it ends with someone in tears, on the floor, venting about how they have nothing to wear. If this is you, then don't worry, Oh! Ducky Darling have got you covered with our guide and quiz to finding the perfect party dress, by Rosa Fairfield.

Photographs by Linda Smith

A good place to start, with choosing the perfect party outfit, is knowing what your party style is. Are vintage dresses your jam or are you into trouser sets? Not sure? Don't worry. Take our quiz bellow to find out:


What type of event is it?
This is the most important place to start, some events have dress codes and being denied entry because you're wearing the wrong thing isn't the best way start an evening. Even if your event hasn't got a dress code though, you'd probably look out-of-place wearing bright pink to a rock club... so, check what you're attending so you can theme your outfit.

What's the weather doing?
I still have nightmares about the time I went to a house party, with one of my friends, at uni. It was an hour walk to get there and in the middle of winter. I was wearing a very flimsy dress with no coat. Safe to say it didn't end well. I was shivering so much that we had to run into the nearest fast food place to warm-up. The moral of that story is: don't be that person who refuses to wear a coat because it doesn't match your outfit.

Mix and match with your friends 
When I used to live with my then-best-friend, we'd swap clothing all the time. It's a lot of fun and it allows your closet to have an instant refresh without having to spend a ton of money. You don't even have to swap a whole outfit, a piece or two could be just what you need. But, you know, make sure you ask for permission first and don't just steal items. 

Think about accessories
Accessories add a finishing touch to an outfit but be sensible about it. If you wear a necklace dancing, you will probably hit yourself in the face with that necklace multiple times through the evening. You can really have fun with accessories or keep it simple. It depends on what kind of style you're going for...

What's your personal style?
Hopefully you've taken our style quiz now and found out what your party outfit style is. You can refer to that when creating your outfit. If not, just think about what your everyday style is and then just kick it up a notch to add some party to it. If your style vibe is modern and stylish, why not try out a slinky mini dress.

*If you're reading this is the Covid-19 lockdown, obviously you shouldn't be going out partying or swapping clothing, you should be inside your own house washing your hands a lot. 


Bodycon Mini Dress