A new year and new possibilities. Here are 6 things to get you super excited for the year a head (or at least I hope they will), by Miss Rosa.
Photographs by Linda Smith

To be honest, my 2017 kinda sucked. I was in a super dramatic mood and started to write a miserable bunch of reflections but I was bum-ing myself out. So, I thought instead of making myself and everyone around me miserable, I'd write a positive, happy post about the year ahead. One of the main things I want to do for 2018 is to get myself into shape and my fitness levels up. I'd particularly love to take up cycling and I found this Bike comparison website that has some great deals.
6 reasons to be happy about 2018:
Anything can happen
I was reading a post by Elle about changing in the New Year and it me realise how the possible for 2018 are endless. There are 365 pages in your new book that you can try to fill with excitement, adventure and fun. A lot can happen in a year. The world hasn't ended, which means It's another chance to try and do all things you've always dreamed of doing. You don't know what awesome experiences lie ahead of you.
TV series starting back up
It's a great time for TV nerds, with new seasons starting. The X-Files season 11 is back and I'm buzzing with excitement because I love the series so much. A Series of Unfortunate Events season 2 is on it's way in March. I've been waiting for that one all last year so that's the best thing ever. New Girl looks like it might be back for the final season in 2018... and there are lots of other shows too.
Sales shopping
Now is the time to be doing your shopping, as stores move sale items into final reductions and you get your best chance to grab a bargain. Really, who doesn't love a bargain? It's also a great excuse to switch off and have some fun wandering around all the different stores.
All the cute animal YouTube videos
What better way to kick off the new year than watching lots of cute animal videos? They never fail to bring a smile to your face... or is that just me? New year... new videos, more cuteness. It's the perfect formula. Here are some of my favourites:
Cutest Baby Bunny Rabbit Compilation
Kate McKinnon Plays With Puppies
Whiskers R We SNL
Summer is coming
Do you need the cold weather? Really? The new year means another summer is on its way. Think beach holidays, sunshine and long days. What more could a person want? This is also a brilliant time to start planning so you make the most out of the summer days.
2017 is finally over
And if you're reading this you survived it and you deserve a badge. A lot of rubbish things happened in the world last year but we can all hope that humanity will come to its senses in 2018 and the world will be slightly less bleak.
Tick tock,
Tick tock,
what will happen next year?
Only time will tell.
What are some of your thoughts about the year ahead and what are you looking forward to?